Puppy Space Pirates

Continutiy not guarenteed

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Found your gun

For I'm pretty sure over 2 years I needed to get my comic off tumblr and onto another website, but the options were basically comicpress or some other third party hosting thing. Grawlix used to exist as a comic focused CMS but that project eventually stopped getting updated and the website shuttered with no one to pick it back up. So I kept using tumblr and scheming to use a Static Site Generator to make my comics. Basically didn't want to upload my back comics individually, but all at once, and I didn't want to mess with wordpress because I consider it a bit bloated.

Finally, someone pointed me to a simple php script which did exactly what I needed, so one night I got my credit card and registerd a domain and bought some space on nearlyfreespeech, and an hour later everything was up and running.

some folks wanted to click on the comic to advance the page, so I added that into the php script. I wanted the fancy card preview on twitter/mastodon so I added that to the script. a friend wanted an RSS feed, and was very generous in writing a custom one for the site.

It harkened a bit back to the old days of the web. I trained in doing full stack web development involving frontend frameworks like react and backend stuff. I kept expecting to do a whole database and javascript thing, and I initially wrote off PHP as a language being a bunch of hacks, but what program isn't a bunch of hacks?

But anyway, yeah, it feels like it's from a different time. A time when everyone was on webrings and there were more than 5 sites everyone refreshed everyday. I upload my comics and blog via an FTP program. the PHP script is less than maybe 50 lines.

about this webcomic

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